Modern Slavery Statement

31st December 2023


Hippodrome is the UKs biggest entertainment and casino venue.  We welcome millions of visitors every year.  As an industry leader we take our responsibility to act with integrity seriously.

The Hippodrome Casino presents this modern slavery statement pursuant to Section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our slavery and human trafficking statement for our financial year to 31 December 2023.

Our Commitment

We are dedicated to acting ethically in all our business activities, which includes preventing modern slavery within our business and supply lines. The purpose of this statement is to outline the steps we have taken to prevent modern slavery within our operations.

Our Business and Supply Chains

We are a one-site Casino and Leisure facility based in the United Kingdom.  The majority of our supply chain is based in the UK and is primarily made up of;

  • Outsourced cleaning services
  • Outsourced security services
  • Food and beverage suppliers
  • Live Entertainment Services
  • Technology suppliers

Overall, we consider our overall risk of exposure to modern slavery low.  We recognise that despite our low overall risk assessment, modern slavery can still occur. We remain vigilant and seek to procure supplies from companies who share our outlook on ethics and slavery. Organisations who fail to meet our standards jeopardise their ability to continue to trade with the Hippodrome.

Policies and Procedures

To combat modern slavery, we have implemented a range of policies and procedures, including:

  • Equal opportunities Policy
  • Dignity at Work Policy
  • Employee Wellbeing policy
  • Communication Policy
  • Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures

Risk Assessment and Management

We conduct regular risk assessments to identify and evaluate the potential risks of modern slavery within our business and supply chains. This includes:

Considering our supply chains to understand the flow of goods and services.

Identifying high-risk areas based on factors such as geography, industry, and supplier relationships.

Assessing the effectiveness of our existing controls and measures.

Due Diligence

We demand high standards from all our business partners and expect our suppliers to share our values in relation to modern slavery.

We have a robust onboarding process processed through a procurement department who have received training on the risks of modern slavery.  The procurement department is supported by a legal department which ensures, as contracts renew, compliance with all UK laws, regulations and codes of practice.

Training and Awareness

Ultimate responsibility for Modern Slavery Act compliance sits with the Board of Directors.  The Chief Finance Officer (CFO) oversees both the Procurement function and the HR Function and signs off the statement on behalf of the business.   The Heads of HR and Procurement are aware and have an understanding of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking.


The Hippodrome is committed to providing ongoing training for its employees on the issue of modern slavery and human trafficking to ensure a full understanding of the risks in our supply chains and our business. In 2023 we will deliver targeted modern slavery training and awareness-raising sessions to relevant staff, including, but not limited to, those with procurement, contracting and HR responsibilities.

Performance Indicators

The Board of Directors has the ultimate responsibility for the implementation of the Hippodrome’s policies, including those that relate to ethical trading and employee welfare. Due to the overall low risk assessment, we have not yet established any MSA Key Performance Indicators, however this remains under review.

Approval and Sign-off

The Hippodrome is making this statement pursuant to Section 54 (1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.  This MSA Statement has been considered and approved by the Hippodrome’s Board of Directors.

William Evans
Chief Financial Officer
Dated 18/6/2024

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